How do you talk about nothing?

It’s hard.
I’ve been tasked to write but I’ve been burdened to choose, and choice has become the bane of me. My mind was amidst a crossfire between astrophysics, gravitational waves, sporks, and the enigma that is the female, but I can’t choose. Why? I feel perturbed within my own state of restrained freedom. So if I can’t talk about anything, might as well talk about nothing.
So what is “nothing?”
Nothing has become the thing to do. Have you ever asked “What’ve you done today?”
with a reply of “nothing?” Were they really doing nothing when they were sitting around all day, watching TV, playing videogames, or sleeping? Often times, in class, I may have been“productive” when I really did nothing. I wrote an FRQ earlier this year and was stressed on numerous occasions to address the prompt and I did anything but. I wrote fluff with no real plan, but I wrote something. Does being non-productive equate to nothing? By definition, courtesy of Wikipedia, “nothing is a pronoun denoting the absence of anything.” Therefore “nothing” has really become a derivative about “something,” hasn’t it?
Well, speaking of TV and awkward segues (something this post is full of), can’t forget to mention the definitive 90s–Seinfeld. It was a claimed “show about nothing.” It stood out from most of the family sitcoms of the time. It broke mainstream media by portraying a very trivial and mundane show of daily life. No one was related by blood and things like waiting in line for the movies, a friend who skips parts of their stories, or “man-hands” made people ask “what’s the point?”b27fd16a95bc1be97423680c59107e36Image by Pinterest or Image
Scientists have been trying to figure out what the points to things are for years. As humans we are naturally curious to find answers, often those to our existence. We haven’t been able to find answers here so the greatest minds have begun looking to the stars. Beyond those stars lies something that is more “nothing” than anything else. The paramount of nothingness. Something where even nothing can escape–the black hole. Have we figured out that which is nothing? Can black holes the answer to nothing or the question to everything? It’s debatable, it’s theoretical but it’s nothing. I’ll just leave you with that. Something to take with into the shower, where nothing thrives.
Now I’m going to go listen to Nothing.

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