The Key to Gun Control

In a statistic given from, the “United States has 88.8 guns per 100 people, or about 270,000,000 guns, which is the highest total and per capita number in the world.” For years the debate over gun control has been heated, with millennials, like myself, caught within the thick of it all. If more gun control laws were to be enacted, many would see it as in impediment of the Second Amendment, that being the right to bear arms, ratified back in 1791. Others would argue back saying that it is not a gun that kills people, people kill people. Laws restricting the ownership of firearms would, in theory, reduce the amount of gun-related deaths, however, it won’t stop criminals from obtaining weapons and carrying out their violent acts. The debate goes on and on with each example having a counter example, and each pro having a con. However, after about an hour of thinking, I have concocted the solution to it all.

Elon Musk (bet you didn’t think I was gonna jump here), known for his involvement in things such businesses as Paypal and Tesla Motors, founded SpaceX over a decade ago. His recent intentions involving a mission to conquer the next frontier: Mars. The first manned flight to Mars is scheduled for the 2030s.

Studies have shown that Mars, cleverly names our ‘sister planet,’ is the most reputable of all the planets in our solar system to prolong the existence of the human race. An ice deposit confirmed to have as much water as Lake Superior and an ample amount of land ripe for the empty stomach of our ever-growing, ever-hungry capitalist country. It’s just a necessary evil. Those are but a few of the many reasons why Mars is the next step for mankind.


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But back to my solution to gun control. Although this isn’t necessarily in the near future, think of our expedition to Mars as a catalyst of sorts. One must understand that some solutions take some time. So let’s try to predict the future. Humans land on Mars. Humans are selfish and power-hungry so we look for the next planet to conquer under our name. An ever repeating cycle continues so much so we have the technology and resources to blast our asses out of our own galaxy. Milky Way? Check. Andromeda? Check. Triangulum? Check-aroo. Next thing you know, we find a planet with crystal caves.

Image from

Rare gems, glowing of colors unimaginable (this is where my plan comes to fruition), are found, being as easily harvested as shucking corn. There essentially Kyber Crystals of sorts, the same crystals that power the oh-so elusive and geeky-ness intensifying lightsaber. Next thing you know, BOOM, gun violence is a thing of the past. That is, if in the next century we’re still using the same automatic, metal shell-casing bullets and weapons we use today (let’s say we are). How would this stop any violence, you ask? Simple. If in mass-production, those living in less-than-desirable or crime-ridden areas, who have access to a lightsaber could essentially stop any projectile coming their way. Being made of what is known as the ‘fourth state of matter,’ plasma being neither a solid, liquid or gas, and taking reference to the Star Wars films, a lightsaber would be able to block and/or vaporize any type of bullet coming ones way (except lasers, but those always miss). This isn’t taking into account the attack-ee’s reaction time and there lack of knowledge of the Force, but it’s plausible. It’s not like we’ll be seeing people get their hands on a lightsaber and begin battling among the streets of LA revealing they’re each other’s father and all.

As with any plan,though, mine has its loopholes, but I’ve got them covered. If any of you would like to propose another problem that could arise please contact me at

1)What if lightsabers get out of hand? That is, what if lightsabers take the place of guns and those become the reason for protest, and lightsaber control laws are being pushed?

Solution: Easy. The aforementioned Kyber crystals will be distributed via the government.

2) Well, what if these crystals join the family of alcohol, drugs and the like in that they are being illegally smuggled, traded, and manufactured?

Solution: Although this may not be consumer-friendly. There will probably need to be some Kyber crystal price hike down the line, if not expensive already.

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